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Highly Skilled Professional Point System Q&A (Part 3)

Highly Skilled Professional Point System Q&A (Part 3)

This document is part 3 of a Q&A that provides an overview of Japan's Highly Skilled Professional Point System, which grants preferential immigration treatment to foreign nationals recognized as "highly skilled professionals" in order to promote the acceptance of such talent. It covers topics such as the benefits granted to highly skilled professionals, eligibility criteria, accompanying family members, applicable procedures, and more.

The original document (PDF) is in Japanese, and this English version was created using machine translation.


This English translation was generated using machine translation software and was not created by a human translator. It is provided for informational purposes only and is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate or represent a perfect translation from the original Japanese content. For official guidance, please refer to the original documentation published by the Japanese government. This translated text should not be relied upon as an authoritative source, and no assurances of accuracy are provided. Any reader should confirm accuracy and seek professional advice as needed prior to relying on the information contained within this document. The provider of this translation is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or misinterpretations of the original text.


Q42: Please explain the procedures for entering Japan as a highly skilled foreign professional.

A: To enter Japan as a highly skilled foreign professional, it is first necessary to apply for issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility for one of the statuses "Highly Skilled Professional (i)", "(ii)" or "(iii)".

When applying for issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility, please submit a "Points Calculation Sheet" that you have scored yourself. If your own point calculation based on the published Points Table results in a passing score (70 points or higher), please submit the Points Calculation Sheet along with evidentiary materials.

If the examination finds that entry under the work status is possible and the points are confirmed to be equal to or higher than the passing score, a Certificate of Eligibility with one of the statuses "Highly Skilled Professional (i)", "(ii)" or "(iii)" appended will be issued.

Bring the issued Certificate of Eligibility when applying for a visa at the embassy/consulate abroad. If the visa is issued, you can then enter Japan by presenting that Certificate of Eligibility and visa when applying for landing permission.

Q43: If someone planning to enter Japan as a highly skilled foreign professional applies for a visa at an embassy abroad without possessing a Certificate of Eligibility, will a visa be issued?

A: Even if you are recognized as a highly skilled foreign professional and a Certificate of Eligibility is issued, if you apply for a visa at an embassy abroad without possessing the Certificate of Eligibility, a visa as a highly skilled foreign professional will not be issued.

Q44: What documents need to be submitted when applying for a Certificate of Eligibility to enter Japan as a highly skilled foreign professional?

A: When applying for issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility, please submit the following documents:

  1. Documents listed in the lower column of Appended Table III of the Immigration Control Order for the applicable status of residence (Documents demonstrating content, period, position and remuneration of activities; documents demonstrating educational/professional background; materials clarifying business content of inviting organization, etc.)
  2. Points Calculation Sheet
  3. Evidentiary materials related to each item of the points calculation (Documents certifying degrees conferred; documents clarifying annual income; documents clarifying research achievements (patent certificates, materials showing engagement in competitively-funded research by foreign governments 3 or more times, materials showing 3 or more papers in academic journals listed in academic paper databases, etc.); certification of relevant national qualifications of Japan, etc.)

(Note 1) It is sufficient to submit materials that enable confirmation that the total points are 70 points or higher. There is no need to submit evidentiary materials for all applicable items.

(Note 2) For research achievements, the Immigration Services Agency uses Elsevier's "SciVerse Scopus" academic paper database to verify papers.

Q45: What documents need to be submitted when applying for a Certificate of Eligibility for family members of a highly skilled foreign professional to enter Japan?

A: The required documents are as follows:

(1) For dependent spouses/children of highly skilled foreign professionals:

  1. Application form for Certificate of Eligibility with "Dependent" status of residence
  2. Documents listed in the lower column of Appended Table III of the Immigration Control Order for "Dependent" status of residence
    (Documents demonstrating relationship with the highly skilled foreign professional; copy of the highly skilled foreign professional's residence card or passport; documents demonstrating the highly skilled foreign professional's occupation and income)

(2) For working spouses of highly skilled foreign professionals:

  1. Application form for Certificate of Eligibility for the applicable status of residence ("Instructor", "Researcher", "Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services", "Entertainer") based on the planned activities
  2. Documents listed in the lower column of Appended Table III of the Immigration Control Order for the applicable status of residence (Documents demonstrating content, period, position and remuneration of activities; materials clarifying business content of inviting organization, etc.)
  3. Documents demonstrating relationship with the highly skilled foreign professional; copy of the highly skilled foreign professional's residence card or passport

(3) For parents of a highly skilled foreign professional or their spouse who will be raising the highly skilled professional's or spouse's child aged under 7 or assisting a pregnant highly skilled foreign professional or their pregnant spouse:

  1. Application form for Certificate of Eligibility with "Designated Activities" status of residence
  2. Documents demonstrating relationship with the highly skilled foreign professional or their spouse
  3. Documents demonstrating the highly skilled foreign professional's annual household income

4 (For childcare purpose):

  • Documents demonstrating the child to be cared for is a child of the highly skilled foreign professional or their spouse
  • Copies of the residence card or passport of the highly skilled foreign professional and the child to be cared for

5 (For assisting a pregnant individual):

  • Copy of the residence card or passport of the pregnant highly skilled foreign professional or their pregnant spouse to be assisted
  • Documents demonstrating the individual to be assisted is pregnant

Q46: What documents need to be submitted when applying for a Certificate of Eligibility for a domestic worker of a highly skilled foreign professional to enter Japan?

A: The required documents are as follows:

(1) For domestic workers under "Designated Activities (ii)(2)" (domestic workers continuously employed overseas brought by highly skilled foreign professionals):

  1. Application form for Certificate of Eligibility with "Designated Activities" status of residence
  2. Documents demonstrating content, period, position and remuneration of activities
  3. Copy of Certificate of Eligibility of the highly skilled foreign professional or receipt of acceptance of their Certificate of Eligibility application (not required if applying at the same time as the highly skilled foreign professional)
  4. Documents demonstrating the highly skilled foreign professional's annual household income
  5. Document stating that the highly skilled foreign professional does not employ any domestic workers other than the applicant
  6. Documents demonstrating ability to engage in daily conversation in the highly skilled foreign professional's language
  7. Copy of the employment contract (Note) and documents demonstrating understanding of working conditions

(Note) Please use the model employment contract form created by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

  1. If the highly skilled foreign professional travels abroad, a written pledge that the worker will also travel abroad at the highly skilled foreign professional's expense (not required if this provision is included in the employment contract)
  2. Documents demonstrating continuous employment by the highly skilled foreign professional for one year or more up until the time of landing in Japan (copy of employment contract, etc.)

(2) For domestic workers under "Designated Activities (ii)" (domestic workers employed by highly skilled foreign professionals entering Japan before March 31, 2015 due to circumstances such as having children under 13)

  1. Application form for Certificate of Eligibility with "Designated Activities" status of residence
  2. Documents demonstrating content, period, position and remuneration of activities
  3. For those entering Japan together with the highly skilled foreign professional, copy of the highly skilled foreign professional's Certificate of Eligibility or receipt of acceptance of their Certificate of Eligibility application (not required if applying at the same time as the highly skilled foreign professional)
  4. For those being called to Japan by the highly skilled foreign professional, copy of the highly skilled foreign professional's residence card or passport
  5. Documents demonstrating the highly skilled foreign professional's annual household income
  6. Document stating that the highly skilled foreign professional does not employ any domestic workers other than the applicant
  7. Documents demonstrating ability to engage in daily conversation in the highly skilled foreign professional's language
  8. Copy of the employment contract (Note) and documents demonstrating understanding of working conditions

(Note) Please use the model employment contract form created by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

  1. Documents demonstrating that the highly skilled foreign professional has a child under 13 years old or a spouse unable to engage in daily housework due to illness etc.

(3) For domestic workers under "Designated Activities (ii)(3)" (domestic workers employed by highly skilled foreign professionals engaging in investment management business etc.):

  1. Application form for Certificate of Eligibility with "Designated Activities" status of residence
  2. Documents demonstrating content, period, position and remuneration of activities
  3. For those entering Japan together with the highly skilled foreign professional, copy of the highly skilled foreign professional's Certificate of Eligibility or receipt of acceptance of their Certificate of Eligibility application
  4. For those being called to Japan by the highly skilled foreign professional, copy of the highly skilled foreign professional's residence card or passport
  5. Documents demonstrating the highly skilled foreign professional's annual household income
  6. Document stating that the highly skilled foreign professional does not employ any domestic workers other than the applicant, or that they employ one domestic worker other than the applicant and have annual household income of 30 million yen or more
  7. Documents demonstrating ability to engage in daily conversation in the highly skilled foreign professional's language
  8. Copy of the employment contract (Note) and documents demonstrating understanding of working conditions

(Note) Please use the model employment contract form created by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

  1. Copy of registration notice etc. of the organization to which the highly skilled foreign professional belongs regarding registration for Financial Instruments and Exchange Act Article 28 Paragraph 2 specified Category II Financial Instruments Business, Article 28 Paragraph 3 Investment Advisory and Agency Business, or Article 28 Paragraph 4 Investment Management Business
  2. Materials explaining that the highly skilled foreign professional engages in one of the businesses listed in 9 above (standard form)

Q47: I currently have a status of residence other than "Highly Skilled Professional." Can I change to highly skilled foreign professional status?

A: For foreign nationals currently residing in Japan under a status of residence other than "Highly Skilled Professional", it is possible to apply for permission to change resident status to one of "Highly Skilled Professional (i)", "(ii)" or "(iii)", and if confirmed through examination of the prescribed requirements that the work activities correspond to those of a highly skilled foreign professional, that the points total based on the points calculation meets or exceeds the passing score (70 points), and that there are no issues with the applicant's residence history so far, permission to change resident status can be granted if the requirements are found to be met.

Q48: If a highly skilled foreign professional currently under "Designated Activities" status wants to change to "Highly Skilled Professional (ii)" status, is it necessary to first change to "Highly Skilled Professional (i)" status and stay for over 3 years?

A: Foreign nationals who have engaged in activities as highly skilled foreign professionals under "Designated Activities" status for over 3 years can directly apply for change to "Highly Skilled Professional (ii)" status. There is no need to first change to "Highly Skilled Professional (i)" and stay for over 3 years.



This English translation was generated using machine translation software and was not created by a human translator. It is provided for informational purposes only and is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate or represent a perfect translation from the original Japanese content. For official guidance, please refer to the original documentation published by the Japanese government. This translated text should not be relied upon as an authoritative source, and no assurances of accuracy are provided. Any reader should confirm accuracy and seek professional advice as needed prior to relying on the information contained within this document. The provider of this translation is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or misinterpretations of the original text.